Isaiah 49-53

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Up till now in Isaiah we have read about 5 major themes

  1. The Lord is Sovereign.  God is the Lord, Isaiah  repeats it over and over.  There are no other gods but Him.
  2. God is Holy. Isaiah said in Chapter 6 “Holy , Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty, the whole earth is filled with his Glory”.  God is like no other, He is set apart. 
  3. The Doctrine of Sin.  Isaiah knew that sin separated us from the Lord, However, he also knew that meaningless sacrifices were not the remedy.  Only turning our hearts to the Lord, was the key.
  4. To place Faith in the Lord.  Faith is not seeing there is a Lord, but trusting in the Lord.  When we put God as the commander of our ship, it will get where it needs to get, regardless of the path it takes.
  5. The Doctrine of the Remnant.  You have heard me use that phrase several times.  Remnant.  God’s judgement would be so severe that all that would be left would be a remnant in Judah.  We know this has to be because of our next point.  We know that since Genesis the Lord says He will bring a Savior through the line of Judah.

So now we are at one of the most important readings in all the Bible.  The Prophecy’s of these chapters were written 7 centuries before the event of Calvary, yet through Isaiah God was able to lay out His plan for Salvation.  Do you ever stop to  think how much God Loves us to do all this. 

So read these chapters closely.Take a few days if you have to.  Go to the Library if you can.  As each chapter gets closer to 53 the cross references will have more and more New Testament References.  Luke, Matthew, Romans, John, 1 Peter.  Actually you will see in these 4 Chapters everything from Genesis to Revelations!

Another Post to follow

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